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Feed the Farmer Spring 2020
Congratulations to our Spring winners:

Kelly from 94.7 FM and Jordan from Washington County NE Chamber of Commerce deliver food on May 12th to Jarett and Tim Andersen and friends for Feed the Farmer!
Thank you to all farmers that work so hard to feed the world! We have one more drawing at the end of this week so get your nomination in by contacting Blair Radio.
Thank our sponsors!
Butch's Deli,
Woodhouse Auto Family,
Washington County Bank, and

Christmas tree and cattle farmers count too! Jordan Rishel with the Washington County NE Chamber of Commerce joins Kelly in delivering our Feed the Farmer lunch to Scott Lund from Santa's Woods!
Thank you to all for supporting and nominating your favorite farmers this planting season.
Look for this to continue in the harvest season!
Thank you to our sponsors!
Vetter Equipment - Missouri Valley, IA
and Butch's Deli.

Jordan Rishel from Washington County NE Chamber of Commerce joins Kelly from 94.7 FM Blair Radio in delivering lunch to Ruwe Farms.
Congratulations to David and Billie Ruwe and crew.
Thank you to our sponsors!
Washington County Bank,
Vetter Equipment - Missouri Valley, IA,
and Butch's Deli.
Not pictured ... our first Feed The Farmer lunch drawing winner.
Do you know a hard working farmer and crew that could use a lunch this planting season?
Washington County Chamber with 94.7 Blair Radio want to honor Farmers this planting season, but we need your help.
Each week starting April 17th we will draw a winning farmer to take lunch for them and their crew.
To nominate, all you need to do is send their information to kellyjohnson@blairradio.com!
Let's get behind those that feed the world! Contact Kelly Johnson today.