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Feed the Farmer Spring 2021
May 7, 2021 Congratulations to Kenny and Larry Johnson of Oakland for being the week 5 winner of Feed the Farmer!
We will continue to draw winners through the rest of May and into June! Nominate your favorite farmer by contacting KellyJohnson@BlairRadio.com or Jordan Rishel at the Washington County NE Chamber of Commerce.
Say thank you to our sponsors as well...
Connealy Insurance Edward W. Schroeder, PC, CPA
Washington County Bank Total Truck and Machine
Andy's Mow Town Butch's Deli and Catering
Rasmussen Transfer Cardinal Insurance
and Washington County Nebraska Farm Bureau - Promoting Ag friendly policies and protecting the rural way of life!
May 6, 2021 Lisa from the Washington County Chamber of Commerce joined Kelly from 94.7 FM BlairRadio.com in delivering lunch to Dan Ruwe and crew.
May 4, 2021 Jordan from the Washington County Chamber joins Kelly with 94.7 FM BlairRadio.com draw for our week 4 Feed the Farmer winner!

May 2, 2021 Spring 2021 Feed the Farmer delivery number two has Kelly Johnson from 94.7 FM Blair Radio, Jordan from the Washington County NE Chamber of Commerce and a member from Ed Schroeder CPA team in Blair taking lunch to Jason Arp and crew.
We deliver anywhere...including to the field!
Thank you to all farmers that work so hard to feed the world!
And thanks to our sponsors:
Connealy Insurance Edward W. Schroeder, PC, CPA
Washington County Bank Total Truck and Machine
Andy's Mow Town Butch's Deli and Catering
Rasmussen Transfer Cardinal Insurance
and Washington County Nebraska Farm Bureau for buying lunch for those that feed the world!

Apr 27, 2021 Jordan from the Washington County NE Chamber of Commerce and Kelly Johnson with 94.7 FM BlairRadio.com draw the next farmer for Feed the Farmer!
Congratulations Jason Arp!
Thanks to our sponsors:
Connealy Insurance Edward W. Schroeder, PC, CPA
Washington County Bank Total Truck and Machine
Andy's Mow Town Butch's Deli and Catering
Rasmussen Transfer Cardinal Insurance
and Washington County Nebraska Farm Bureau for buying lunch for those that feed the world!

April 19, 2021 94.7 Blair Radio, Washington County NE Chamber of Commerce and Rasmussen Transfer deliver lunch from Butch’s Deli and Catering to Dave Hilgenkamp and crew. This is our first Feed the Farmer delivery this season!
Thank you Hilgenkamp Farms for the hard work you and all farmers do to feed the world.
April 15, 2021 Jordan from the Washington County Chamber of Commerce and Kelly Johnson 94.7 Blair Radio draw our first Feed the Farmer winner!
Congratulations to Dave Hilgenkamp Farms!
We will deliver Butch's Deli on Monday.
Lets thank our sponsors:
Washington County Bank Total Truck and Machine
Andy's Mow Town Butch's Deli and Catering
and Rasmussen Transfer for buying lunch for those that feed the world!
April 8, 2021 Washington County Chamber of Commerce and 94.7 Blair Radio have teamed together to honor farmers this planting season, but we need your help.
Each week starting April 15th we will draw a winning farmer to take lunch for them and their crew.
Do you know a hard working farmer and crew that could use a lunch this planting season? Nominate that farmer today by emailing kellyjohnson@blairradio.com!
We also want to thank our corporate sponsors for being a part of this great project!
Washington County Bank Total Truck and Machine
Andy's MowTown Butch's Deli and Catering