A Spring Craft Show is Saturday March 1st at the South Fire Station in Blair. The fundraiser will feature crafts, gifts and more and is sponsored by the Blair Volunteer Firefighter’s Auxiliary.
If you need to make room in your craft closet, here’s an opportunity to do so. The Blair Public Library is having an arts and crafts supply swap – Saturday, February 22nd. If you donate materials between February 10th and 20th at the Library, you will receive a ticket for Early Bird shopping. The Early Bird shopping is ten to 11 Saturday morning, and the event opens to the public at 11. All items are free and you do not have to make a donation for the public shopping. More details can be found on the Blair Public Library social media.
Donations of hygiene products and funds are sought for the Blair Healing Room’s Kindness Kits program. Call 402-533-3356 for details or go online at kindnesskits.info
If you enjoy writing and are in any grade in Washington County, the Blair Optimist Club is encouraging you to submit essays on the topic “How Optimism has Paved My Road to Success”. Writing that essay would qualify you to win a 2500 dollar scholarship. Contact the Blair Optimist International Club for details.
Chili, Cinnamon Rolls and Basketball are in store for those heading to the Fort Calhoun – Arlington Basketball game on February 4th. It’s a fundraiser for Post Prom from 5 to 8pm, adults are ten dollars, students, five.
Adult Laser Tag is coming up February 1st from 6:30 to 7:30 pm at the Blair Public Library. This is for those aged 18 and up, no registration is required
Those are a few of the happenings in our area. If you would like your non-profit event on the Blair Radio Community Calendar, it’s free! Just email that information to events@blairradio.com