762 people in the Three Rivers Public Health department district are confirmed as having Covid 19 over the past seven days. 195 in Saunders, 355 in Dodge County, and 212 of our friends and neighbors in Washington County are infected with the Corona Virus.
New figures from the Harrison County Home and Public Health Agency show 160 active confirmed cases of the Novel Corona Virus over the past seven days. Most of those in the 18 to 40 years of age category, the second highest group of infection in the 41 to 60 years of age range. 57 of those cases are in Missouri Valley, 31 in Logan, 10 in Woodbine and 16 in Dunlap. The rest of the communities in Harrison County report fewer than ten cases.
Testing and Vaccination information is available at threeriverspublichealth.org for Nebraskans and at harrisoncountypublichealth.org for Iowans.