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Gateway to the West Days canceled: April 21

Elective surgeries may be allowed to resume soon. Governor Ricketts says, with a few conditions, some surgeries may start on May 4th. Those conditions: hospitals have a two week supply of personal safety equipment, 30 percent of the beds are open, 30 percent of the ICU beds are open and 30 percent of the ventilators are open.

No carnival rides, no parade…at least not at the usual time. The Washington County, Nebraska Chamber of Commerce, in charge of the Gateway to the West Days, has decided to cancel the event this year due to the Directed Health Measures. The event was originally scheduled to run between June 4th and 7th. Events later in the year may be planned in it’s place.

Blair’s Memorial Community Hospital and Health System’s Covid-19 hotline has changed hours – those new hours, according to the hospital, are weekdays 8 AM to 4 PM – and the number is 402-426-1689.

For more coverage of the Coronavirus and local community response, including news from Connie Green and guest host interviews with Kelly Johnson, click here.



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