61 year old Eileen Bauermeister Tjeerdsma, formerly of Fremont and Arlington, passed away September 14th. She is survived by her husband Yan, children Katherine Betzel and Mary Tjeerdsma, sisters Brenda Groelz and Nancy Penna and other family members. Visitation is Thursday, 3-7 at Ludvigsen, the funeral is Friday, 10:30 at First Lutheran in Fremont.
Details at Ludvigsenmortuary.com
53 year old Michael Laaker of Bennington passed away September 7th. He is survived by his mother, Mary Ann, step daughter Michaela, his aunts and uncles among others. A celebration of life will be Saturday, October 21st at Cottonwood Cove in Blair
Details at Campbellaman.com
71 year old Douglas Schlickbernd of Tekamah passed away September 13th. Visitation is tomorrow starting at 9:30, the funeral is at 10:30. Both at First Baptist Church of Tekamah.
60 year old Mary Wortman of Tekamah died September 13th Visitation is tomorrow, September 19th 5-7 pm at Pelan. The funeral is Wednesday, September 20th 10:30 at First Baptist Church of Tekamah
Details at Pelanfuneralservices.com