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WC Sheriff's Report: Sep 21

Woman Jumps Off Rail Road Bridge Moments Before Train Rumbles Through

A trespassing incident that spans three counties.

A woman out walking with two dogs on a railroad bridge over the Elkhorn River near county Road P-9 south of Arlington was on train tracks when a Union Pacific train came through.

Arlington Rescue personnel says U P’s dispatch stated that the train crew saw the woman jump off the west end of the bridge with the two dogs and believe she was not hit, but the train may have hit one of the dogs.

Fremont Rural Fire did find blood and sunglasses in a ditch near the bridge. The train made an emergency stop, white fur was found on the locomotive. Later, Omaha Police contacted the Washington County Sheriff’s Office regarding an injured dog brought into a vet clinic. The Dodge County sheriff’s office also investigated the matter.

Other matters on the Washington County Sheriff’s Activity Summary just released this morning include arrests of a 41 year old woman and a 34 year old woman for burglary, trespassing, driving under suspension, and other charges near County Roads 34 and 51 and investigation of a personal injury incident at Cottonwood involving an 38 year old male and assault and drunk driving.



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