The Blair Bears Girls EMC tournament this evening starts at 7:45 at home, versus Waverly.
The Boys Varsity Basketball EMC Tournament at home, versus Elkhorn North starts at 6.
Fort Calhoun’s JV and Varsity wrestlers are in triangulars at home starting at 6.
Pioneer’s Girls Varsity Basketball team in NCC Conference tournament versus Conestoga, away, starting at 6.
Arlington’s wrestlers are in a Varsity triangular tonight at Pender starting at 6.
The Eagle’s Girls Varsity Basketball Team is in NCC Conference action as well – details have not yet been announced.
Tekamah-Herman’s Girls and Boys JV and Varsity Basketball teams meet up with Mead, away, JV girls at 4, JV Boys at 5, Varsity girls at 6, Varsity boys at 7:30.
The Tigers Varsity Wrestlers will be in that Triangular hosted by Fort Calhoun starting at 6.
