Donations of hygiene products and funds are sought for the Blair Healing Room’s Kindness Kits program. Call 402-533-3356 for details or go online at kindnesskits.info
The Dana College Foundation Legacy Scholarship applications are now available...to be awarded to descendants of Dana College alumni, faculty or staff. The scholarships are open to those who will attend a four year private Christian Affiliated liberal arts college or university. The deadline to apply is March 1st. More details can be found online at dana alumni.org
Poor sleep can affect your health and safety... Blair’s Memorial Community Hospital is having a free lunch and learn on the importance of adequate sleep - Tuesday January 21st from noon til 1 in the Howard Conference Room. The event is free and open to the public, but registration is needed – call 402-426-1464 to register
The Blair American Legion is having a Bingo Night, Saturday, January 25th from 6:30 to 10:30. Entrance fee is three non-perishable food items or a cash donation. Those food items and entry fees will go to the Washington County Food Pantry. This is open to the public. Fees for the game cards will be used for Veterans Programs and scholarships.
Those are a few of the happenings in our area. If you would like your non-profit event on the Blair Radio Community Calendar, it’s free! Just email that information to events@blairradio.com