Donations of hygiene products and funds are sought for the Blair Healing Room’s Kindness Kits program. Call 402-533-3356 for details or go online at kindnesskits.info
This Friday, the Missouri Valley “Coffee with a Cop” is from 8:30 to 10:30 at Rise and Grind Coffee Shop in Mo Valley, 401 East Erie Street. Meet and have a good conversation with those that work to make the community a safer place.
Adult Laser Tag is coming up February 1st from 6:30 to 7:30 pm at the Blair Public Library. This is for those aged 18 and up, no registration is required
Chili, Cinnamon Rolls and Basketball are in store for those heading to the Fort Calhoun – Arlington Basketball game on February 4th. It’s a fundraiser for Post Prom from 5 to 8pm, adults are ten dollars, students, five.
Those are a few of the happenings in our area. If you would like your non-profit event on the Blair Radio Community Calendar, it’s free! Just email that information to events@blairradio.com