89 year old Elisabeth Franzen Alberico of Omaha passed away January 19th. She is survived by her sons, Joseph, Timothy and Michael and their families. The Celebration of Life is this Saturday, 3 pm at Campbell Aman.
90 year old Lorraine Lesline Moore of Blair passed away January 17th. She is survived by her children, LeAnn Forsen, Cathy Barber, Edward Moore and Dawn Moore and their families, as well as her siblings, Bonnie Maines, Billie Fox, Sharry Ringler, Flocelia Kinney and other family members. Visitation is Friday, 5 to 8pm, the funeral is Saturday at 10:30, both at Campbell Aman.
More details at Campbell-Aman.com
70 year old Kathy Jacobsen Thomas of Missouri Valley died January 19th. She is survived by her husband, Bruce, daughters Tanya Studer, Karan Thoms and Chery Wheeldon, her mother Karen Jacobsen, brother Terry Jacobsen and other family members. Visitation is Tuesday, January 28th from 5 to 7pm, the Funeral is Wednesday morning, 10:30, both at First Lutheran Church in Missouri Valley
Details at foutsfuneralhome.com
75 year old Kirk McLaughlin of Omaha passed away January 20th. He was a member of the Dana College Athletic Hall of Fame. He is survived by his wife, Karen and children Cory, Micky, sisters Holly Miller, Verna Huiskamp, Pat fredericksen, Laurey Cusick and Jamie David and their families. Visitation is Tuesday, January 28th, 5-7pm at John A. Gentleman, A celebration of life will be held at a later date.
Details at johnagentleman.com
70 year old Jeffrey Whitver of Washington, Nebraska died January 14th. He is survived by his children, Brandi Schendt of Crofton, Nick Whitver of Washington and Tony Whitver of Norwalk, Iowa and their families.
A private memorial will be held at a later date.
Details at reichmuthfuneralhomes.com
66 year old Kent Stolz of Missouri Valley passed away January 15th. He is survived by his wife, Tammy, children Joshua, Brian and his step children Christy and Cori as well as
his siblings Diane, Randy and Mike. A celebration of Life is Saturday, 4 to 7pm at the Eagles Club in Missouri Valley.
More information can be found at hennesseyonline.com