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Sports 1.28.22

Blair Girls and Boys Varsity Basketball and Cheer teams are participating in EMC tournament action today, full details are not yet available.

Bears JV and Varsity Grapplers are competing at Millard West – Varsity at 4. JV at 6

Fort Calhoun’s Boys Varsity Basketball meets up with Douglas County West, at home starting at 6.

Arlington’s Boys Varsity basketball team is participating in NCC tournament action today, details are not yet firmed up.

Tekamah-Herman’s Girls Varsity Basketball team is in Conference tournament action, versus Madison Public Schools, time is yet to be determined.

Missouri Valley’s JV, Varsity Boys and girls basketball and cheer teams are at home against Tri Center starting at 6.

West Harrison’s Girls and Boys Varsity Basketball teams take on Glidden-Ralston, at home. Girls at 6, Boys at 7:30.


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