Missouri Valley’s Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast is this coming Saturday, December 14th from 8am to noon at the Saint Patrick Parish Hall at 6th and Huron. Proceeds help the Mo Valley High School Nasa Camp Trip
The donations for the Santa’s Partners for Seniors are due in this Friday December 13th. More details can be found online at Santas Partners for Seniors Facebook page.
The Arbor Care Center of Tekamah is collecting donations for residents for Christmas, items such as socks, word game books. Hats and more. A donation box is located at the front entrance. Those donations will be accepted now through December 20th.
A Christmas wish list for the Jeanette Hunt Blair Animal Shelter lists several items needed by the facility to humanely care for the unwanted and stray animals found in the area – including kitten milk replacement, puzzle bowls for larger dogs, clumping cat litter, cleaning materials, laundry soap, and more adoptions. You can see a complete list and how you can help, online at
The Salvation Army is in need of Bell Ringers during the holiday season at Blair’s Walmart and the Family Fare store, a sign up schedule can be found online at
Those are a few of the happenings in our area. If you would like your non-profit event on the Blair Radio Community Calendar, it’s free! Just email that information to