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Kindness Kits

The Kelly's of Blair Radio get together to share about the non-profit organization Kindness Kits. Kindness Kits is a program of Blair Healing Rooms, a 501(c)3 organization whose goal is to spread kindness, one (free hygiene) kit at a time!

What is a Kindness Kit? Kindness Kits are packages of hygiene products - Personal Care, Feminine Hygiene and Household Helps that are donated or purchased with donated funds. Then volunteers combine the items into kits that are provided at no cost to partner agencies like pantries, schools, law enforcement, and libraries in rural East Central Nebraska and West Central Iowa who distribute the kits to those they serve.

Hear the full interview with Kelly Richards below and head over to for more information.

Non Profit News is sponsored by RVR Wealth

Local Guest Host segments are sponsored by Turnkey Nerds


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