73 year old Michael Mahlendorf of Blair passed away November 18th. He has served on the board of the Blair Memorial Community Hospital and was the president of the Washington County Bank. He is survived by his wife, Donna, children Brian and Tammy Mahlendorf, Jeni and Justin Ragan and Emily Peterson, his siblings John Mahlendorf, Connie Von Seggern and Vicki Peters and other family members. Visitation is this evening 5-7pm at Campbell Aman, the funeral, tomorrow starts at 4 at First Lutheran of Blair. 47 year old Heather Asp of Blair passed away November 13th from ovarian cancer. A celebration of Life is November 25th at Lion’s Park starting at 1pm Details on these services can be found online at campbellaman.com 88 year old Philip Matzen of Blair passed away November 15th. He is survived by his sons, Steve and Mark and other family members. viewing is tomorrow, 10:30, the funeral starts at 11:30 at First Lutheran Church of Blair. More details can be found at wyuka.com 70 year old John “Dale” Yanke of Tekamah died last week. The memorial service is tomorrow, 10:30 at the United Methodist Church of Tekamah. More information can be found online at pelanfuneralservices.com.