60 year old Linda Lemon of Blair passed away December 24th. She is survived by her father, Dale, brother Steven and sister in law Pam Lemon, along with other family members. She was active in the Blair Community Theatre among other community events. Visitation is Friday, 10am at First United Methodist, the service follows at 11.
88 year old Helen Rasmussen Mallette passed away Saturday. She is survived by daughter Lori Hansen and son Patrick Mallete, siblings Bill Rasmussen and Opal Jensen along with their spouses and children. Visitation is tomorrow evening from 6 to 8 pm at Campbell Aman. The funeral is Wednesday, 1pm at First United Methodist in Blair.
66 year old Debra Knittel of Blair died Thursday. Services are pending.
More information online at campbellaman.com
Terri Rupp of Missouri Valley passed away December 24th, services are pending.
Lynn Petterson of Missouri Valley died Friday. Service details are underway
Details at hennesseyonline.com.
71 year old Clifford Morrow of Tekamah passed away December 25th. A Tekamah area farmer and county supervisor for many years, Morrow is survived by his wife, Marilyn, children Daniel, Thomas and Juli, siblings Francis Morrow, Ruth, Clark, Ed, and Less and other family members. Visitation and Service details are pending.
90 year old Richard Goll of Tekamah passed away Friday. Services are underway.
More information will be available at pelanfuneralservices.com
89 year old Theodore Schmidt of Fremont passed away Tuesday. He was a teacher at Arlington High School, later to be principal of the elementary and high school. He is survived by: his wife, Gladys; son, Tyler; brother, Steve and sister Norma Jeanne among other family members. Visitation is this evening at Dugan from 5 to 7, the funeral is tomorrow, 11am at Fremont Alliance Church.
More information can be found at Duganchapel.com
85 year old Cecil Dale of Persia died December 24th, he is survived by his wife, Anna, children – Timothy, Tamara, Cecil Jr., Belinda, Franklin, Joseph and Maria. Siblings Jack, David, Corky, Annie and Connie along with other family members. Visitation is tomorrow, 5-7pm at Culter ONeill in Council Bluffs, the funeral, also at the funeral home is Wednesday, 11am.
Details at Cutleroneill.com